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Hyperlink to Page Not Working - Linking to unrelated page

Started by Sno, March 27, 2017, 02:33:27 AM

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My issue is that I have created a hyperlink on a shape that is suppose to take me to another page in the file, however, when the link is selected (Control+click) it takes me to an incorrect page. When the mouse hovers over the shape it indicates the correct page. I have deleted the shape and replaced it but the same thing happens?


More efficient have an upload.  Often stated problem is a collateral issue.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thanks for answering, I have attached a stripped down copy of the file that I am having trouble with for analysis.



I inspected the hyperlinks of the navigation shapes and found that the one not working had a different syntax from the ones working.
Trying to edit the formula manually didn't help.
So I did next look at the naming of the page. Found out that there was an empty space at the end of the name of page 8. Removing it fixed the problem. Crazy, isn't it?

Tried to find for you a solution without absolute addresses: eg using a DOCMD at shapesheet level with next and previous page - only to discover that the function exists, but only in VBA. Why the hell did the developers of Visio do this???


Never took a count, but m guess is less than 1/2 of docmds work in shapesheet.   ???


Visio 2019 Pro


I had some free time to count and here are the results; There are 669 DoCmd commands and 113 of them work in ShapeSheet (16.89%)  8)


Visio 2019 Pro


This should inspire us to write some code isn't it?


Visio 2019 Pro


thinking about a neat way to call a DOCMD in VBA from a CALLTHIS in VBA.
Having ideally an easy way to inject the code in the VSD/VSDX ... or at least work from a template.
In the shapesheet you'd use a generic CALLTHIS(DOCMDx(parameter))
In a VBA module, there would be
public sub DOCMDx(shp as shape, param as integer)
  DOCMD param
end sub


Runmacro would do the same, without passing the shp as argument.


That sounds useful.  There are times I thought about using a particular docks in shapesheet only to find not available.  Didn't think about it as hard as you have.  Looks promising.  Looks to good to be true.  😱
Visio 2019 Pro

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