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PSA: If A Visio 2010 (or earlier) file will not open in 2013 (or later):

Started by joe31623, March 10, 2017, 09:55:02 PM

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I ran into a problem described by the subject issue.  Microsoft Support was unable to help and cost an organization many hours of needless work.

The solution for my particular problem was to open in Visio 2010, remove unused master templates (File->Reduce File Size-> Remove Unused Master Shapes).

The consequence of this particular problem has lead to an entire organization to move from Visio to AutoCAD after Microsoft was unable to support their own product.


Hi, joe31623 !

Is this topic an addition to the topic Remove Unused Master Shapes from a Visio File w/o Opening ?

IMHO Migration to AutoCAD is very expensive !
Also you need convert your
Quote from: joe31623 on March 09, 2017, 04:30:54 PMhundreds of files in hundreds of directories
from vsd(x) to dwg format.


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