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Instant Isometrics

Started by JuneTheSecond, February 19, 2017, 06:33:45 AM

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A bug that makes twist the shape has been fixed.
If the last row of a geometry section refers to the first row,
the last row moved twice to the new location.

Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Though this macro is practically quite useless, now I feel it gave me an opportunity to study about elliptical arc and nurbs function deeper than before.
Thank you everybody. :) :) :)
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Here is a VBA macro that makes a grouped shapes isometric style, and their shaped examples.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Haven't checked if you implemented it yet (sorry for my lazyness), but I think that the isometric angle is very important for implementing a viable flexible solution. In a previous project I used to work with both 0/90/45 and 0/60/60.
As a generalisation one may think of generic "free" angles as well.
Just a thought. Sorry.


Thank you, Yacine for your always good advice.
Any way it is a big challenge to me, I shall study more.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Here is another trial VBA macro.
This macro simply convert a one-dimensional shape into two-dimensional shape.
Of course, Visio has a menu to convert a 1-d shape to a 2-d shape.
But this the control frame of the converted shape is also inclined, if 1-d shape is inclined.
In order to stand the frame upright, you have to use Unnion or Joint operation.
But these operations delete all the inner data, such as shape data and user defined data.
My macro escapes it as it does not use joint nor union, but uses my mathematical rotation macro.
The converted 2-d shape has always a frame upright.
Here is a short video that explain how the macro works.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Here is one more VBA trial example.
This macro rotates all geometries in a Shape.
Also the macro to rotate geometries mathematically is used.
Here is a short video at .
Please enjoy.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Here is another trial drawing to rotate geometries in a shape.
And have a short video at .

Please, enjoy.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I am sorry my macro has some bugs, and has modified now.
And a new video at .
Please, enjoy.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I've changed my Visio into English version .
Visio pro for Office 365.
Then I revised the video now at .
Please , enjoy.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


I have refactored my VBA macro by a set of functions,

Function XRotate(X As Double, Y As Double, ang As Double, LocPinX As Double)
    XRotate = X * Cos(ang) - Y * Sin(ang) + LocPinX
End Function

Function YRotate(X As Double, Y As Double, ang As Double, LocPinY As Double)
    YRotate = X * Sin(ang) + Y * Cos(ang) + LocPinY
End Function

Now, Sin and Cos funtions dissapeared in my macro in other parts.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

Gregory Jackson

Is there a 64 Bit version I'm getting an error stating the scripts are fro 32 bit not 64 bit?


Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Any 64 bit version available now?

Paul Herber

The author (JuneTheSecond) hasn't been online here for getting on for 5 years.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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