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Printing issue

Started by failurehappening, January 31, 2017, 02:22:58 AM

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I have two shapes that are similar, different colours.  One will print, but the other only prints as a dirty box the same shape and size has the shape. The behaviour is set the same for both (non printing shape is un ticked), and the shape sheet setting look the same, under miscellaneous NonPrinting is set to FALSE for both.

I don't recall having these issues in previous versions, but could be wrong...

Visio 2016 MSO 32 Bit

Added a vsd copy


Can you also upload VSD file?  Not all of us have migrated to newer versions of Visio.

Visio 2019 Pro


In the meantime, does the print preview look normal?

Visio 2019 Pro


Quote from: wapperdude on January 31, 2017, 03:18:03 AM
In the meantime, does the print preview look normal?


Yup print preview looks like it will print, added the VSD to the OP


Got it! 

Opened the file, print preview was good.  Printed.  Both shapes printed fine. 

So, assuming that the VSD file was just a file format change, it seems to indicate that there's no issue with shape settings.  I think that normal print preview also verifies this conclusion.  Tends to make me think that this might be a driver problem.  You never indicated which printed normally.

But, you can try duplicating the "good" shape, maybe twice.  Change the colors:  say make one the same as the "bad" shape, and one another color, perhaps, blue.  You might do the same with the "bad" shape.  Change colors such that one is the same as the "good" shape, and the other same blue.

Now print.  If none of the bad shapes print, then I'd think a Visio issue.  If some of the bad shapes print, and some of the good shapes don't print, then I'd lean toward print driver issue.

Visio 2019 Pro


So I copied all the items and printed, this time to pdf using cute pdf, and the objects didn't appear, see the pdf attached.

Do you think this is a driver issue still or an issue with my visio install?


Unfortunately, going to pdf introduces another variable, and no t a very good one.  Visio to pdf is marginal.  Just do a normal print.

Then, you might save as jpg or png and see if they're OK.

Yes, it's possible there's an install issue.  Perhaps some V2016 users can, you might want to wait before re-installing.

Visio 2019 Pro


So I found a local person with visio 2010 and another with visio 2016 and we all printed the same file attached as well.  The 2010 came out correctly, both 2016 printed incorrectly...  So it doesn't feel like an install problem.  Is there anyone else out there that's running 2016 that could print the attached pdf and see if you can print the orange cubes?
Appreciate it

see the attached pic


What I find curious is that no other user has ever printed orange shapes with V2016.  If that were a flaw, I should think it would have raised a ruckus!

So many questions...
  1) Were all of the orange shapes copies of the original orange shape, or did you base all duplicates on a single green shape, and then color alternate rows to orange?

  2) Clearly, you didn't follow my instructions, so, we don't know if it is a shape problem or a single color problem.  There was a reason to the method.  But, now, we cannot pinpoint where the problem is.

  3) Did you use the same vsdx file on both V2016 installations?  If so, a corrupt file is still a candidate problem.  So, in addition to doing the original instructions, close that file after testing, and then start a new, blank file.  This time just create a simple shape, a circle.  Make multiple circles, color them with basic colors, red, orange yellow, green, blue, purple.  Now print. 
    >> Does orange still not print?
    >> Are there other colors that don't print?

  4) If there are problems in (3), save as jpg.  Then, insert the jpg into another new V2016 file.  Are all the colors there?  Please do the steps as given, the goal is to pinpoint where the problem occurs.

Visio 2019 Pro


if you think its color related, the take 20-30 shapes, set each to a different color, and print

Any chance that orange conflicts with theme settings? 
(maybe orange + theme = white or something crazy like that)


After a bit more testing, it looks like it is a corrupt shape.  Why it prints in older versions I don't know.  I don't think it's related to the colour

I have a number of shapes where this is occurring, they all seem to be ones that i have created with a transparent background.  The ones with a white background seem to be fine, but if i create a new shape by exporting an image to PNG setting the transparent colour to the background colour then importing that new PNG.  These shapes seem to not print in 2016...

Is there anyway to replace all instances of a shape from within a document, while keeping the size and z location (front to back dimension)?



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