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HTML (SVG) Export

Started by Nikolay, January 16, 2017, 01:51:54 AM

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Hi guys,

Recently finished my new long-standing extension for exporting HTML from Visio.
I've tried first time with vispublish here:, but it didn't quite fly :)

Now it's much easier, it's a local HTML export, just as "save as", but one that works in modern browsers, and supports extensibility (e.g. animations/javascript)
Means, it can export HTML file directly to the local drive.

Demo pages

I like "stuhlek" the most, since it connects to LVIE  DATA on the target website, and I visit it quite often :)

Simple org chart.

In standard functionality, it can export to (any) SharePoint AND to GitHub pages (to share diagrams for free!).
Check out the above diagrams - they are all hosted on GitHub!

In short, HTML export done in 2016 :)
The standard features (pages, properties, hyperlinks, tooltips) are out-of-the box.
Viewing works with browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE9+, Edge, mobile browsers (ipad, android/chrome)


Awesome! I missed such a feature from the beginning of Visio.
Thank you so much for this work.

By the way the msi does require admin rights.


About the MSI - you can click "Advanced", then select "Install only for me", then no admin rights are required.


Installation worked fine.
Did a first test. Will report later.

Paul Herber

This is very impressive and cool!  8)
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



Hi Nikolay,
Here are my first test results:

  • on a rather small drawing (less than 2000 shapes) I get the error "The publishing finished with error(s): An item with the same key has already been added.". (I cannot upload the file, but can send it to you by email or PM)
  • Miss the possibility to make only shapes at top level clickable (Removing manually the unwanted shapes in the "window.svgpublish" area helps, but this shouldn't be the solution of choice)
  • Cannot overwrite Java class in Visio (field is editable, but does not store the value)
  • Miss the possibility to not overwrite customized css and js files (or to chose my custom ones from the interface in Visio)


Hi Yacine!
Thank you for the feedback!

1. Could you please send that drawing with 2000 shapes as PM, or by email, i'll try to fix that.

2. What do you thing, how would it be to do that? Maybe explicit flag like "exclude" from selection could be helpful?

3. There seems to be a bug with that field. To kee pthe text, you click that field, then another field (not the drawing). Could you please try the updated version?

4. Now there should be 2 windows - for custom CSS as well! (next to the javascript). Please check out the updated build.


1. Done
2. a check box for individual shapes would be fine. (information to be stored in the shape as prop or user field for better editing of large works).
I could also imagine one global flag "export only data at top level" (parent = page)
3. The update did it.
4. The windows are not identifiable as such at first glance. Either add labels or fill them with an explanation which disappears on gotFocus.
Contents were however inserted just fine in the export file. (Still need to figure out how to use them. Looking forward to read your tutorial)


1. Fixed.
2. A global checkbox added.
3. Fixed.
4. I'll try to write an article/tutorial this weekend for using custom stuff there.
What would you think, would option to edit HTML/JS templates "globally" be useful, or "minor" amendments are good enough?
Anyways, this is probably to be discussed after writing some introduction/tutorial...


1-4 *****
Thank you.

Editing CSS and JS:
That's a very big task.
Consider only CSS and JS Pros, or also common Visio users?
Inkscapes dropdown lists allowing to chose an action for an event for a certain shape are quite fine. You may have a look at it.
Different solutions as templates would be fine. (Beside the left display bar, one could imagine having floating data windows?)



Very good idea and very useful. Thank you.


Has anyone had any issue with the current beta version of this add-in (v1.2.3.0). Visio 2013 throws an error:

"The given key is not present in the dictionary."

Any help would be appreciated.



Hi Alex,

Could you please share the file. Looks like some upgrade issue.
Either to or if you don't want to share it publicly here.

There are losts of new stuff in 1.2.3, looks like compatibility has been broken somewhere.

The release is actually "almost ready", currently I'm just testing it to make sure nothing is broken.
So it would be very helpful, will follow up as soon as possible.

Or does it happen on a blank new file as well?

Browser ID: smf (possibly_robot)
Templates: 4: index (default), Display (default), GenericControls (default), GenericControls (default).
Sub templates: 6: init, html_above, body_above, main, body_below, html_below.
Language files: 4: index+Modifications.english (default), Post.english (default), Editor.english (default), Drafts.english (default).
Style sheets: 4: index.css, attachments.css, jquery.sceditor.css, responsive.css.
Hooks called: 422 (show)
Files included: 32 - 1207KB. (show)
Memory used: 1267KB.
Tokens: post-login.
Cache hits: 13: 0.00146s for 26,739 bytes (show)
Cache misses: 3: (show)
Queries used: 16.

[Show Queries]