Tags Re-Number When Placing Stencil on Page (sometimes)

Started by joe31623, February 01, 2017, 11:06:32 PM

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I created two stencils (Let's say Stencil A & Stencil B) for a Process and Instrumentation Diagram that includes valves, connectors, etc.  Each valve has a tag ID in both stencils.

When I place Stencil A onto a page, each Tag ID matches the tag ID on the stencil.

When I place Stencil B onto a page, each Tag ID is re-named.  That leads to unnecessary time re-naming all tag IDs.  A similar thing happens when I copy and paste from one visio document onto another.

How can stop stencil B from changing tag numbers when I use it?  Stencil B is larger than A, if that matters, but not by much.  I've explored several settings and I'm surprised that I've been unable to find someone with a similar problem...

Thank You


I solved this problem.

In Visio 2010, Left click on "Process Engineering" tab in the ribbon and Left click on "Diagram Options" in the "Manage" Section.  Once the "Diagram Options" menu is available, uncheck: "Numbering Components When They Are Added To The Drawing" and select "Ok"

Hope this helps someone -- applicable to P&ID drawings.

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