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Can't enter particular wall length

Started by snowizard, August 27, 2016, 10:35:07 PM

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Laying out a greenhouse.
Trying to enter a trough wall that will be 85.5 feet long.  (85' 6")
No matter how I enter it in shape data, it is changed to 1 ° 25 ' 30 "
I can't manually (by stretching) get this exact length either.
Best I can get displays as 85'-6 1/4"  (85 ft. 6.2609 in. in shape data)


Need to see your file,  can you up load simple version with problem?  God is preferred file type.

Visio 2019 Pro


If I open a new document with Floorplan template, and do nothing but attempt to create a wall of that length the described error occurs.


😱. Just re-read my reply.  😵.  Auto-correct strikes again.  Somehow, Vsd = God.  I'm   sure MS would like to think so.  Sorry for the typo.

Not at my computer,  so can't try and replicate the problem...Could be a snapping issue???

Visio 2019 Pro


Can't replicate your problem.  I can do any length.  86', 86.5', 86' 6", 86' 6.625"  etc. etc.  Need more info:  Visio version, page (sheet) size, page scale.

Since it's a very basic problem.  Drop a wall onto a page. Save and upload.  VSD format please.  But, since so small, do both VSD and VSDX.

Visio 2019 Pro


I will get it there eventually.  But you didn't list my problem length...  85.5' (85' 6").  Did you try that?  I don't have a problem with the ones you listed either.


I re-tried with your specific dimension and worked fine.  I tried entering value via shape data, via Size & Position window.  Both as 85.5'  and 85' 6".  What was less accurate was dragging and stretching the wall.  But that's subject to page scale, grid, ruler settings, and zoom level...none of which you provided.  Also, need to know which Visio version.  All of this so we're on the same page, no pun intended.

The more  you can provide, the better someone can answer your question.  Also, you didn't upload a file so that we can see what's going on...perhaps something specific to your setup.

Visio 2019 Pro


The attached file(s) contain a single wall with length of 0, which is what I got from entering 85.5 ft.

The Visio version should be the current version, automatically updated as a part of Office.


Interesting.  I opened the vsd file and there's nothing there.  As far as adding walls, no problem.

But, it sounds like something is hosed in your setup.  You may want to consider a re-install.

Visio 2019 Pro


Regarding nothing there: try selecting all or selecting everything on the page; you should capture the wall and be able to see it's tag and handles.


Visio 2019 Pro


In fact, it's very suspicious that the file size shows as 0 Kb.  I would expect something like 25Kb as minimum file size.  Attached is a stupid test.  Just to see what size uploads with a small, simple square.

In fact, a 2nd file, with no shapes at all.  That shows 10KB.

Seems very odd that your files come over with 0Kb size.

Visio 2019 Pro


That 0k is not right.  I'm going to try again...


Ah!  That works.

So, good news, I can make your shape behave as you say.  Bad news.  I cannot see anything in the shapesheet that would cause this.  Somehow that shape is hosed.  If I drag a new wall onto the drawing page, it behaves just fine.

Started a new file, pasted the bad shape onto the page, and...still bad. 

I noticed that your page came over with drawing scale set to 1=1.  That has no units associated with it.  For something like this, especially with your shape sizes, I would expect something on the order of 1/8" = 1 ft.  You may want to set the page drawing scale before you drag anything on to it.  Then drag a wall shape and try setting it's length to 85.5'.

Let me know how that goes.  Probably still gives same weird result.  You might want to consider a Visio re-install.

Visio 2019 Pro


Just tried "85.5ft" and got the desired 85'6".
Or didn't I understand the problem?

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