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Insert picture by reference

Started by AGgraphics, February 18, 2009, 03:50:13 PM

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I am trying to update a flow chart for my company that tracks the UI navigation for a product in a flow chart. Each step in the flow chart is a screenshot jpg/png that has been inserted. I would like to insert pictures by reference - so that if I change the pictures in a referenced folder it would be updated in the drawing (a la Adobe Framemaker or Indesign

I am new to Visio and tried to figure out a way to do this, but without any luck.



Perhaps I'll get the ball rolling on this...

Visio doesn't poll the outside references, so outside changes remain dormnant until Visio is instructed to update.  In the case of Org Chart, re-running the Wizard.  It would take some code development to make this happen automatically.
Visio 2019 Pro

Visio Guy

There is a way to link to images.

1. Go to Insert > Object.
2. Choose: "Bitmap Image"
3. Check: "Create from file"
4. Check: "Link to File"
5. Browse to the file location and hit OK

Of course, it's crashing my Visio right now, hopefully it will work for you...
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That does indeed work.  If the Visio file is already open when the changes are made to the picture, you will have to close the file and re-open it. 
Visio 2019 Pro

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