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Pointer Tool in Shortcut menus

Started by JuneTheSecond, January 13, 2009, 02:15:49 AM

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Pointer tool exists in standard toolbar.
I thought it might be convenient, if it is in the short cut menu.
The attatched drawing has macro to adds pointer tool to the short cut menus on the drawing.
Right click the rectangle, 2 menus is seen.
One is to create and another is to delete.
If you once make pointer tool, it exists always in the shortcut menus
in every drawing you open.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Visio has option to store all settings in the registry.
This may be found in menu option, detail.
At first the pointer tool disappeared after 2 or 3 times of Visio starts and ends.
When I set this option, pointer tool still dissapeared, but after few days I found it does not disappear.
I cleared the option, and tryed to delete and add the pointer tool.
But now the pointer tool is still in the context menues.
I concluded it is not the matter of this option.
I cannot see what is the matter.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda

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