Cool Data Visualization Sites

Started by Visio Guy, May 15, 2008, 11:58:02 AM

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Visio Guy

Oooh, that might a nice little VBA macro/article. What are the chances that I get it published...soon?
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Can I answer that it depends on how good you avoid the dangers cited in the article?
No, I can't. That's too bad taste.  ;)

Visio Guy

For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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As fan of J.S.Bach I can only reply by:

I've seen this visiualisation many times before and spent hours watching it - especially pieces fron Bach, for their many voices get a geometrical dimension in which they seem to dance and enhance the feeling of their complexity and at the same time unwind it.

I've never thought to bring this visualisation in relation with Visio - thank you for the idea. There's so much potential in it.

First, one could think of drawing automatically music from Midi files.
In a second thought you could consider composing music by means of graphs.

... and not directly related to this matter, here a very nice idea: computer generated music by a system taught to respond to the feedback of it's listener:

Visio Guy

Saugeil Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor. One of my favorite pieces of music, I used to spend hours on the piano trying to play bits of it (I'm a trombone player, one note at a time is enough, so this was challenging!)

Apropos trombone playing, I found this visualization of a brass choir piece from Gabrieli:

Gabrieli, Canzon per sonare no. 2, brass choir, animated score

Although Visio probably isn't the tool for such things, this one looks very Visio-like!
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


I spent the evening till deep in the night watching these magnificent graphs and diagrams.

They are done with D3 in Java.

Very inspiring, isn't it?

Visio Guy

I bought a D3 book and am dreaming of having the free time and discipline to be able to apply it to SVG Visio exports in some useful, cool and profitable way. :)
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


I look forward to seeing the result.  :)


I have started an experimental Visio publishing site (uses D3)

You can take a look at it here:

You can download the add-in, and combine D3 with Visio diagrams (you can edit the d3 javascript code directly in Visio).
You can assign IDs to Visio shapes to be able to access them via the javascript.
This is currently in progress (when I have time).

May be interesting:
- Works for smartphones (touch)
- Works with Firefox/Chrome/IE
- Supports pages.
- Supports data (hyperlinks, etc) - Top right panel (star), Ctrl+Click
- Supports custom scripts (D3 & Jquery)
- Supports tooltips & popups
- Local export of SVG files (with proper ids)

Some sample animations:

555 from Visio Guy - the timer is clickable! :)

Known story, but just in case (items are clickable):

Database diagram (all linked tables are highlighted automatically when you click a table)

Kino (seats are clickable):

Old Visio sample (clic on the star "*" in the top left right corner)

In visio, you get this:

And this "control panel" where you can set up the javascript (or auto-java script for links/properties):

Anyways, now it is in progress.. So the details on how/where is not yet done ...


Nikolay, Du alter Fuchs!
Very nice.

Paul Herber

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -



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