For those considering a monitor or second monitor to work with Visio

Started by Bork, January 25, 2019, 10:23:02 PM

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     Just a thought for anyone considering buying a monitor or second computer screen to work with Visio.  I was walking through SAMs club recently when I saw a LG 29WK50S monitor. I was intrigued by its shape; its screen is 27.5 in x 11.75 in, or roughly three 8 ½ x 11 sheets of paper side by side. At a cost of $199 dollars, I decided to take a chance, and I have been happy with it.  You can easily have a Visio drawing open with a Shape Sheet beside it and still have room for another document.
      The monitor is very light (it has no speakers, but does have a speaker jack on the back.)  It has 2 HDMI inputs which allows for PIP (Picture in Picture) capability, although I have not tried that.  It comes with some nifty software that allows you to use it as a plain extended screen, or divvy it up to four different screens for separate applications; the applications automatically adjust to the screens.  It has a mode to rotate the screen 90 deg, but you cannot do that with the supplied stand; you would have to mount on a wall or a tripod; (that function might come in handy if you wanted to look at a waterfall scene or a lava lamp app. :)
     I'd recommend anyone who works with Visio and is looking for a monitor to take a look at it.

Visio Guy

Thanks, Bork. I've got a Dell DELL U2515H , which is 25" monitor, with 2560x1440 resolution. I think I paid about EUR320 for it, so it was more expensive than your find. It has thin bezels, which really grow on you, and tons of ports on the back, most neatly hidden behind a removable panel.

I think the one you have is 2560x1080. I'm hooked on the 1440 vertical resolution, though, and my neighbor has a curved widescreen. So now I need three-thousand-something by 1440!

By the way, I've installed AquaSnap for window management, and it is pretty good. Divvy also looks promising. What is nice about AquaSnap is that it actually works inside of Visio, for tiling/snapping ShapeSheet windows into quadrants, for example. Very cool.

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Visio Guy

AqauSnap may be causing my Visio to freeze up and require a Task Manager kill every once in awhile. Be sure to save often while testing.
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AquaSnap nice find.   From what I can tell, the free, personal version doesn't include the feature to use <canto> + mouse to resize multiple, concurrent Windows...only 1 window at a time.  So far, works well within Visio.

Edit update:  Ah.  Yes.  Does seem to hang with Visio.
Visio 2019 Pro

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