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Shape Name and Aspect Ratio

Started by Bald Eagle, February 15, 2016, 09:30:08 PM

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Bald Eagle

Just thinking out loud - maybe someone has a link to solutions, or wanted inspiration for a new VISIO project to play with.  ;)

From just moving things around and resizing to "fit", I've noticed that:

(A)  Having a way to resize a shape and maintain its aspect ratio, without a lot shape-sheeting, would be a useful feature to have.
Resize to Xmm x Ymm, or by percent, with the original dimenions stored away somewhere so that they can be reverted to at any time.

(B) Sometimes when I've been playing around a lot, and I have either a lot of similar shapes, or various instances, some which have been edited, and some not, it would be useful to be able to define a Name for the shape and have it show up in the Size & Position window.

(C) Simply scaling down a shape does not make it "center" well within a larger version of it.   This requires "offset", which is a lot more difficult than it looks, mainly due to the convex portions of the shape.  I've done it by hand, but there's a lot of copy-paste-rotate-copy-paste-overlap, snap-to-geometry, and manual alignment and trimming.   Having a T-shape that can snap to a midpoint or geometry edge and have the "top" of the T be parallel to what it's being offset from would speed things up.   Being able to automagically trim the overhang off of intersecting lines would be wicked helpful as well.

* I also noticed that when I resized a connector, it extended in one direction, whereas in older versions of VISIO, it would stay put and extend from the center.   Is this a shape behaviour than can be turned on / reverted to, or is that gone?
(I'm using 2007)

Bald Eagle

Also,  some sort of option like "center on zoom" but rigged to have the selected shape(s) fill to fit the screen without having to guess what percent that might be.

I've also noticed that when I try to "nudge" certain shapes with my keyboard arrows, that I get the little stubborn "ding!"  "I'm not doing that  :P" sound.   But arrows in other directions will work.   What's up with that?


Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 15, 2016, 09:30:08 PM
(A)  Having a way to resize a shape and maintain its aspect ratio, without a lot shape-sheeting, would be a useful feature to have.
Resize to Xmm x Ymm, or by percent, with the original dimenions stored away somewhere so that they can be reverted to at any time.
Try to lay your shape in a Layer and disable view and/or Print. I sometimes use that to store shapes unvisibul...
Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 15, 2016, 09:30:08 PM
(B) Sometimes when I've been playing around a lot, and I have either a lot of similar shapes, or various instances, some which have been edited, and some not, it would be useful to be able to define a Name for the shape and have it show up in the Size & Position window.
There is a Developers Tab where you can define a Name for each shape and each groupe of shapes...
Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 15, 2016, 09:30:08 PM
(C) Simply scaling down a shape does not make it "center" well within a larger version of it.   This requires "offset", which is a lot more difficult than it looks, mainly due to the convex portions of the shape.  I've done it by hand, but there's a lot of copy-paste-rotate-copy-paste-overlap, snap-to-geometry, and manual alignment and trimming.   Having a T-shape that can snap to a midpoint or geometry edge and have the "top" of the T be parallel to what it's being offset from would speed things up.   Being able to automagically trim the overhang off of intersecting lines would be wicked helpful as well.
Did you know that you can pull in lines from the rollerbar just below the menuband, and on the left?
There is another help you can acivata by going to view tab and click the smal arrow beside "visual aid"... the second tab.
Quote from: Bald Eagle on February 15, 2016, 09:30:08 PM
* I also noticed that when I resized a connector, it extended in one direction, whereas in older versions of VISIO, it would stay put and extend from the center.   Is this a shape behaviour than can be turned on / reverted to, or is that gone?
(I'm using 2007)
can't answer that. Thats something i don't understand as well...
Regards, Novski

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