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Huge Space in Last Line of First Paragraph

Started by Visio Guy, May 18, 2008, 01:14:34 PM

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Visio Guy

Hi Folks,

I transferred this thread over from the FAQ page on the Visio Guy main site:

Ap Says:

Hi there,

I have a problem with the first 'paragraph' in a page where the last line always has a huge before spacing. There are no abnormal settings however so I have no idea what is wrong.

Thanks in advance
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Visio Guy

Hi Ap,

You said there was a "huge before spacing". Do you mean a side-to-side indentation, or a big up-down line spacing?

When you are in text-edit mode, you can right-click and choose to show the Text Ruler. This will help you deal with indentation problems.

I'm not sure yet what to do if it is a line-spacing problem, though...
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
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Copy the text to Notepad - check for weird spacing or characters and then recopy the text out Notepad and paste it into a new text block.

Quote from: Visio Guy on May 18, 2008, 01:19:08 PM
Hi Ap,

You said there was a "huge before spacing". Do you mean a side-to-side indentation, or a big up-down line spacing?

When you are in text-edit mode, you can right-click and choose to show the Text Ruler. This will help you deal with indentation problems.

I'm not sure yet what to do if it is a line-spacing problem, though...


OK - I just encountered the same or a similar issue in Visio.

I have a text block that starts at 14 point text - I added in a bunch of text underneath and resized that text to 9 point. Now I get the odd spacing for the last sentence of my text.

To resolve it - I selected the "phantom" text just to the right of my last period in the text and noted it was 14 point instead of 9 point. I changed that "phantom" text to 9 point and it resolved my last sentence spacing issue.


Quote from: artbraune on May 19, 2008, 12:00:14 AM
Copy the text to Notepad - check for weird spacing or characters and then recopy the text out Notepad and paste it into a new text block.

Quote from: Visio Guy on May 18, 2008, 01:19:08 PM
Hi Ap,

You said there was a "huge before spacing". Do you mean a side-to-side indentation, or a big up-down line spacing?

When you are in text-edit mode, you can right-click and choose to show the Text Ruler. This will help you deal with indentation problems.

I'm not sure yet what to do if it is a line-spacing problem, though...

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