vssx export from vss: text boxes have persistent background and border

Started by ShadowHunter, December 10, 2015, 10:54:01 AM

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Hello all,

First time poster, average long Visio user.

A few years ago I have created a set of shapes as *.vss. Basically they consist out of some black lines and a plain simple text box.

The text box in question is transparent without borders... so far so good.

Now I opened those vss shapes in Visio 2013 but the text box now has a border and white background (no theme is select that might explain it) When I open the master shape to edit it, there is no border or background color present! Still I updated the properties again: no border, no background... and updated the shape and saved it again as vss.

Now the problem is gone when reloading the shapes (vss)... next I exported those modifed (good) shapes as vssx... and bang... border and background for the text box are back and persistent. It seems that transparent background and no borders won't hold in the vsxx. Drawing a new shape in Visio 2013 seems to be working normal (no borders or background as defined in the master)

Alas I cannot redraw all those shapes from scratch.

I have tried and failed so many times that I need to resort to this great forum and their dito specialists.

I'm sure I'm missing some small here but I fail to see what.

Thank you for any pointers...

With best regards,



I would suggest to update the masters by code.
1) go directly for the masters --> http://www.visguy.com/2008/02/25/edit-visio-masters-programmaticallythe-right-way/
2) edit the XML version of the stencil, then save back to vssx
Change manually one master
export as XML
find the differences between the modified and the other masters
change the other masters accordingly with text editor tools
3) change the way the masters are built up --> http://visguy.com/vgforum/index.php?topic=6195.0

You may also want to upload one or 2 masters, so we could check if the text box is recognisable by code (Probably no geometry section, text length >0)



Hi Yacine,

Wow, thank you so much for pointing me to a gold mine. I'm gonna dig deep into that...

A quick and dirty fix I just came up with was to use a Text Block rather than Text... seems to fix my issue but it is not satisfying to not understand what is going one.

Next I need to apply some text scaling formula but I guess that is another story.

I will come back on the outcome of the XML investigation.

Again, thank you very much.

With best regards


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