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Page numbers and Background Pages

Started by sjenks, December 01, 2015, 06:59:23 PM

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Hello, I hope I can explain this well. Say I have 3 tabs: 1, 2, & 3.

Tab 3 is the Background page for Tabs 1 & 2. On the background tab, I have inserted the page number so it automatically gives tabs 1 & 2 the correct page number respectively.

Now I have a sentence on Tab 1 stating (example): "Please see Reference on Page 2" (aka Tab 2). If more tabs are added, Tab 2 may become Page 3, or 4 or so on. 

I want the number in sentence "Please see Reference on Page 2" to change if that tab changes and becomes a different page. So if it Tab/Page 2 becomes Tab/Page 3, then the sentence will change to "Please see Reference on Page 3".

I know how to do this if the page number was just a shape on Tab 2 and not utilizing the background page. But I'm not sure how to do that if I'm using a background page because I can't select Page '2' on Tab/Page 2.

Hope that makes sense!

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