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Visio running on Linux under Wine

Started by Paul Herber, November 05, 2015, 01:15:26 PM

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Paul Herber

Does anyone know if it's possible to install and run Visio on any Linux/Wine variant?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hi, Paul !

i didn't try yet, i have virtualbox with WinXP and Visio 2003 at my home PC.
but i find this russian-speaking article Visio under Vine

Paul Herber

My oh my, it's nearly 9 years since I asked this but I'm asking again now as it's a task that has risen to the top of the pile. I'm going to try installing Visio under WINE on Linux at some point but I would REALLY like to hear if anyone else has tried it ...
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have not tried to run Visio with wine, so can't help here.

But if you just want to run Visio (?), wouldn't it be easier to have a "normal" VM (like VirtualBox) installed on linux, with windows installed there and then just run Visio in it?

Even easier (without installing anything locally), you could create a Windows VM on Azure for example,
and use RDP from Linux to connect to it.

If the drawing is not that complicated, Visio Plan1 (web-version) is also not that bad.

Paul Herber

All this is beyond my expertise at the moment. Never touched a VM in my life. This is all for doing my stencil maintenance, far more than Plan1 can do I think.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


In this case, I think the easiest is to go for Azure VM (it is all set up). It's about 5-15 cents per hour, first 30 days are free.

The steps basically are:

1. Sign up for the Microsoft Azure
2. Create a Windows VM in the cloud (
3. Connect to that VM from Linux. In Ubuntu, there is Remmina app pre-installed. What you get is a regular windows experience.
4. Install Visio there, and just use it.
5. Make sure you shut down ("de-allocate") the machine when it is not used, so it does not eat money :)

I could try to make a video for the whole thing... could be useful?

BTW what kind of Linux system do you use (Ubuntu/Red Hat/etc)?


Other than that, there is "Play on Linux" app, it is a wrapper for WINE.
It has Visio 2010. But I have not tried it myself.

Paul Herber

Crikey, options that I had never even imagined. Lots to think about. Thanks.
Linux Mint.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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