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Automatic Master selection with Excel data

Started by Eddy85, October 31, 2015, 08:03:31 PM

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I have a problem to connect my Data automaticly with my Master Shapes.
Two years ago there was a similar topic here but I don´t understand how the VBA code works.

In my case I have different sort of apple and six typ of Boxes. If I drag an drop one data row, Viso should automaticly choose the right
box or rather the right Master Shape.

Is there someone who can solve these Problem? I become desperate of it.

Thanks a lot. Greetings Eddy...


I don't think there is a way telling Visio which master to chose when you drag data on the page. There is always only one chosen.
What you can however do, is setup the shape so it adapts its appearance according to the data.

For example
in geometry section 2, in the field invisible, you'd write =not(prop.shapeType=2)
The other geometry section would have similar formulas, but with 1,3,4,etc.

Instead of geometry sections, you can also work with sub-shapes embedded in the master.
There's a nice article from Chris about hiding shapes (and sub-shapes):

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