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Create an Excel Tree Map in Visio

Started by rlntel, August 29, 2015, 12:26:19 PM

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I've been tasked with creating a tree map to identify how much money is allocated to different projects within our different business verticals. Basically, the are four different columns and inside each are larger and smaller squares (relative to how many dollars they represent).

Apparently, this is pretty easy to accomplish with Excel - you just install a free treemap add-in and connect the treemap chat to the data.

(See attachment)

Unfortunately, my organization operates on a closed network where every new software request is heavily vetted. I'm on a short suspense so a long wait to get Excel Treemap approved and loaded won't work.

I do have Visio 2010, though. Is there a way to do this in Visio?

Can't find anything on the Web. Help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


You'll probably not find a free solution for Visio.
It will be cheaper to buy the Excel addin.
And coding it by yourself - whilst very challenging - looks very difficult at a first glance
Google "Treemap Algorithm".


I agree with Yacine...a lot of coding!

As an unrequested 2 cents worth, I think that diagram style is one of the worst for conveying information in a meaningful, understandable, quantifiable manner.

Visio 2019 Pro


Disregarding opinions and keeping in mind the fact that the requirement comes down from echelons above me, I'm surprised that Visio, Microsoft's data diagramming tool, cannot do what Excel, Microsoft's primary math tool, can.


Sorry.  I do realize the format wasn't your choice. 

Excel is much more than a math program.  Visio is more of a graphic display tool with added in data linking.

Unfortunately, your options are dwindling rather rapidly and your management needs to come to grips with reality...

1) there's no existing Visio solution that I've encountered.  You may give David Parker a try.  He does a lot with Visio and data management.  I believe his website is

2) expedite purchasing the Excel add-in.  Any chance of an evaluation copy?

3) understand that a custom code solution will require a lot of time

4)  accept a different format...a progressive bar chart for each business sector could be very effective.  Each sector is represented by a bar that is sub-divided projects.  The total bar length represent total allocations, each sub represents project allocations.  Would be simple and effective.

Probably not what you want to hear, but I think those are your choices.

Visio 2019 Pro


Thanks for the honesty.

Actually, the Excel Treemap add-on is free. It's just the unavoidable time delay while it's being vetted, we're trying to get around.

Oh well...I'll give Parker's site a try. Thanks.


Quote from: rlntel on August 29, 2015, 08:20:05 PM
... I'm surprised that Visio, Microsoft's data diagramming tool, cannot do what Excel, Microsoft's primary math tool, can.
Obviously Excel can't neither. You need an addin to do the job.
Same for Visio - MS did not supply this diagram type with the standard package, but one could write an according addin. Alas Visio is not so wide spread as Excel is.

I nontheless agree with you so far, that more diagram types in visio would be very nice to have.

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