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could you like to help me to change a stencil?

Started by xiamen168, July 15, 2015, 07:49:03 AM

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can someone to help me change triangle  in s.vsd to circle and diamond,


i can change to diamond (look at attachment)
circle it is real HARDCORE, IMHO only Junichi Yoda can do it !


@surrogate - you can't go around throwing down challenges like that :)

Here's another one attached....

Best regards

John Goldsmith - Visio MVP


JohnGoldsmith ellipse in Geometry section very difficult for my mind ! Thanks for advice :)


It would probably be more helpful if the cells were named something other than ab, cd.

I did a post a while ago with an image showing what they correspond to:

Best regards

John Goldsmith - Visio MVP


Quoteyou can't go around throwing down challenges like that
2) Behance's action books are very cool.


Is the party over?  Is the challenge still open?   ;)

Only addressing the circular "pot belly" version...that was the challenge, attached has 3 variations.  Two implement using a single geometry section, the 3rd uses a dual section.  One has the "belly" size proportional to line length.  One forces shapesheet edit to change size...less User tampering, and the 3rd uses shape data, easily accessible by double clicking.

None allow you to change shape size by dragging the shape height.

Visio 2019 Pro


Very nice.  I missed the connection points in the image.  Good solution....I wonder if there'll be more?

Best regards

John Goldsmith - Visio MVP


Thanks John.

I can think of a couple additional variations...  hopefully others will join the fun!

Visio 2019 Pro


a new needs,
please help me ,thanks!


a new needs,
please help me ,thanks!

how to change line type?


This takes considerably more least in V2007, not sure that newer versions make this any easier...I doubt it.

So, I think it takes a modified approach, as this cannot not be done "directly".  That is, maintain connection 1D connection points at the begin & end of the line segment.  To do this, my approach would be to make a complex, grouped shape.  The shape consists of grouping a regular connector shape with the shape done by John Goldsmith, for example.  I suggest his shape as he's already incorporated the "3-belly" selection feature.

The connector shape must be modified to show no lines.  That way, when the group line features are modified, all that is visible will be John's shape.  John's shape must be modified:
1.  Behavior set to 2D, not 1D.  This eliminates the extra connection endpoints.

Then, either add two more shapes or modify John's shape such that there is a short, vertical line segment going between the begin points of the connector shape and John's shape and likewise the endpoints.  These are necessary to avoid modifying the "height" cell in John's shape.  To do so would disrupt some of the built-in functionality.

Hope this helps.

Visio 2019 Pro


There were some unforeseen caveats with the grouping and vertical line segments which complicated the implementation.

Attached is a modified version of my proposed circular shape.  The connector was first converted to a group, and then the actual shape was added to the group.  The connector still has showing lines set to "noshow".  A test condition was needed when the connector begin and end are at the same vertical level.  Hmmmm.  Did not try when both set to same horizontal position.

Uses double click to easily access shapedata to set shape size.  Uses right click menu to select shape style:  straight line, circle, triangle, diamond.  Each is a separate geometry section.

Visio 2019 Pro


Corrected the left - right orientation issue.  The special case for a vertical line, not fixed.

Visio 2019 Pro

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