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Page Scale Problems with Network Shapes

Started by JeremyDougal, June 26, 2015, 03:04:20 PM

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Novice user here, and the question has probably been answered, I just didn't search for the correct topic.

I have created some of my own stencils for various network power equipment.  When I bring the stencil into a new drawing with 1:1 scale the stencil retains the correct dimensions.  However, if I scale the drawing to something else, say .125:1, and I pull the same stencil into the drawing again, the dimensions of the stencil change by a factor of the scaling.  I'm sure there is something in the shape sheet that needs to be changed, I just don't know what that is. 

Visio Guy

Hi JD,

If you're drawing actual network equipment to scale, then you shouldn't be using them in 1:1, since almost every gadget will be bigger than the sheet of paper you're drawing on!

Visio lets you work with scaled drawings, and rack elevation drawings are typically done to scale, e.g. 1/4" = 1'-0" (1:48) or 1" = 1'-0" (1:12). This lets you work in "real world units" without having to do math in your head. When you select a shape, you can look at the status bar in the lower-left corner of Visio's window and see the size of the shape--see that a piece of rack equipment is 18 inches wide, for example.

If you drew your equipment at no scale (1:1), then try to mix with some of Visio's shipping network equipment, there will be some discrepancy.

If you change the page scale, then of course the shapes will grow or shrink. The theory is that you are changing the page scale to fit more shapes (smaller shapes, larger scale) on the page, or to reduce the amount of white space (bigger shapes, smaller scale).

I don't understand your problem well enough to offer a solution, but perhaps this information will get you going.
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That is part of what I don't understand.  When I drew the stencil, the page was probably scaled to 1/4" = 1'0" or something similar.  I used real world dimensions that should scale with the page scale.  However, when I bring the stencil into the drawing, the dimensions of the stencil automatically change by a factor of whatever page scale I'm using.  So for a component stencil that should be 1" x 1" and was drawn using those dimensions, when I pull it into a drawing with scaling other than 1:1 it sometimes (not every time) changes the actual dimensions automatically.  For instance, a stencil that is 3.41" x 3.45" on a 1=1 drawing scale (which is what is should be), changes to 27' 3.36" x 27' 7.2" when I pull it into a drawing with a scale of 1/8" = 1'0".  The visual size looks about the same, but that means the actual dimensions are way off.  If I change the drawing scale after I bring the stencil into the drawing, it changes size appearance, but retains real world dimensions as you would expect.

I'm still using Visio 2007, if that matters.


The issue is centered on the Visio 1:1.  It is a unitless scale..non-dimensional.  It's not obvious that would create a scaling problem, but it does.  Learned that the hard way.  So, when you create your shapes, and if scaling is going to be important, then you need to set a scale factor that has dimensions.  Then, everything will scale properly and as expected.

So, for scaling, don't create with scale set 1:1.  Use 1 in. = 1 in.  ... or whatever scale factor and dimensions you desire.
Visio 2019 Pro

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