Need Help Floor plan creation - Help with "Space" and "Measure Room" shapes

Started by ThirdDimension, June 06, 2015, 03:23:50 AM

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Reference Floor plan creation:

When I place a "Space" shape on to design grid, I notice that I have lots of right-click options such as "Convert to Walls" and Auto Size.  However, when I place a "Measure Room" shape on the design grid, I noticed that the aforementioned options are not available?

Can the "Measure Room" tool be configured to "AutoSize"? Convert to Walls?

thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!


When i draw polyline and add in actions section strings like as row #1 and row #3, i get enabled options "AutoSize" & "Convert to Walls" in my polyline


Thanks Surrogate!  I am unable to find the "ACTION" section when I display the shape sheet for "Room measurement"

But I do see a configurable action section on the shape sheet for "Space"

How do I add the ACTION options when they are not present on the shape sheet?


Quote from: Surrogate on June 10, 2015, 07:57:50 AM
In ShapeSheet™ window right click mouse that show ShapeSheet context menu.

Click by Actions check-box in Insert Section Window


Surrogate thanks for your assistance.  I added the "User defined" section and was able to add the Auto-Size function as a right click option. 

Now I have the option to auto-size, but it does not work when I select the option.  Are there more user definitions that need to be created?

I tried copying the formula's from the the "space" shape, but I was getting invalid formula errors and was not able to finish the copy.

any assistance would be greatly appreciated !!!!


ThirdDimension, i checked: i also can't run Autosize feature to "Measure Room" shapes.


I am approaching this in a different direction.  I have been unsuccessful in adding options to the "Measure room" shape, so I am now looking to add room size measurement display to the "Measure" shape.

I am starting by comparing the two shape sheets.  Any advice is appreciated!



Quote from: ThirdDimension on June 19, 2015, 05:22:21 PMI am starting by comparing the two shape sheets.  Any advice is appreciated!
i copy/paste user-defined cells via Paul Herber's addon VisioSuperUtilities

Else you can use add-in CopyPropertiesAddin by Russian Visio Forum member aka Shishok


Thanks for the help Surrogate!!

I DL'ed and installed.  All options are grayed out.  I found the below statement on the informative PDF.

I am using Visio 2013 64 bit so looks like it won't work.

Sandrila Ltd Visio Super Utilities - V2.11 - 27th March 2015 System Requirements
Any version of Microsoft Windows (32 or 64-bit) that can run Visio. Microsoft Visio 2003/2007/2010 or 2013 (any version - 32-bit only. Will not work with 64-bit Visio.).


Write to Paul in this sub-forum about your installation trouble.
He always help very quickly!!!

Paul Herber

Hi, sorry, at the moment the utils are 32-bit only as the software is built on top of :
If anyone knows to update Graham's code for later versions of Visio and 64-bit ...
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Thank you, Paul for comment!

ThirdDimension then try add-in CopyPropertiesAddin link for download
After install you can find button CopyProperties on ribbon Developer
Default this addin have russian interface, but there is english too. Click button Eng in left bottom side



Quote from: ThirdDimension on June 21, 2015, 02:57:49 PMPaul's program will not support 64 bit operation.
I am russian, but i can understand Paul's answer   :)
in my last advice i mean add-in CopyPropertiesAddin by  Shishok, NOT VSU by Paul Herber.

Description for add-in CopyPropertiesAddin havn't contain info about support 64bit. Shishok write that he tested this addin in Visio2010&Win7 and Visio2013&Win8.1.

Just try it :)


Thanks again Surrogate.  I downloaded CopyPropertiesAddin but was not able to install.  How do I get in contact with Shishok to ask for assistance?


3rd D

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