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365 basic setup stuff...

Started by goltoof, May 20, 2015, 07:40:42 PM

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We have several users who save everything Visio related to a shared network server. There's one directory where they save drawings (location A) and can access folders of other users drawings.  There's another directory (location B) where our shape library and templates are stored.

We're trying to move to Visio 365 from '07.  I setup the default locations for their Drawings to location A, and Templates, Shapes, etc to location B.

We want it to navigate to the shared folder in location A when opening a new file.  All it shows currently is Recent Drawings, One Drive, Computer and "Add a Place".  Adding a place only gives the option to setup Office 365 SharePoint or OneDrive.  We want to keep everything in house and don't want anything stored on the cloud. How do I make location A the default location to open from and save to?

Also when creating a new file we want to change it so the templates on location B show by default instead of the "Featured" and online templates.  Our templates can be found under "Categories" along with a bunch of others but we'd like ours to appear in a block by themselves before seeing anything else.

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