converting from .vsd to .vsdm or .vsdx crushes my connectors

Started by novski, May 18, 2015, 02:33:25 PM

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I've been forced to change my Visio 2010 to Visio 2013.
Now i have a massive problem with my connector.
If i save the files to a .vsdx or .vsdm version, the file and its shapes look exactly as i had it in the .vsd file bevor.
But as i reopen the file, the connectors crush in a strange way. (I will attach printscreens of one of the pages and a closeup of the connection)
It is as if the connecton is still there but the line is going someware else...
If i then hit shift &  any cursor, it goes back to its initial position. So i first thaught ok i just select the whole page hit shift & left cursor and then save it, but that doesn't help. By reopening the file it is crushed again. 
Does anybody have an idea where that is cooming from?
Thanks a lot


nobody have an idea what cold make my Connectors crush?

Does anybody have experience with large .vsd files used/converted to .vsdx/.vsdm?
I also have the problem that since Visio 2013 Pro is installed it crashes the application and restarts by it self.
Especialy by saving.

Thanks for any comments...


I found two differencies in the Documents i need to repair.

in the Developer Tab under Properties i can find a Row called: Mode
This Row is different to the old document. it shows 0 - visDocModeRun instead of visDocModeDesign

but if i change it and save it doesn't stay. it always goes back to visDocModeRun.

How can i change hat cell?



check in shapesheet™ of page cell DynamicsOff, change that value to FALSE
This way originally posted by Shishok in our russian forum.

Or try to use this master (link for download)
1. if on your PC macros are disabled drop master from this stencil to each page of document
2. in another case just open stencilUPDATED:



Hi Surrogate, thanks for your reply.

I clicked on the page of my dokument and checked but DynamicsOff is already "False" same on the Background of that document.
Are you sure that that the visDocMode"RUN/DESIGN" is stored as DynamicsOff in the shapesheet?


i am not sure, at my case strange connector behaviour repair after change DynamicsOff! i think DynamicsOff Cell can't change mode...

How you check difference with versions 2010 and 2013 ?


OK I don't know where to go with bug reports but, i think i found a bug, that seams to be new in Visio 2013 (15.0.4711.1000) 32Bit


If i read out this value of a straight connector. This Value will be 0 as long as i don't reopen that file. By reopening that Value can varry.
It seams to me as the angle it takes is about to where the connecton Starts.
same for :

This angle seams to point to where the Connector ends.

>The strange thing is that this only hapens to some connectors. And if i Select the connected shape and drag it only some pixels it snaps back to the correct value =0. -no angle becaues its a straight line.

Does anybody maybe remember some bugs like this in a older Verion of Visio?
I can certanly say that the last Version of Visio 2010 (don't know the Versionnr.) i woked with didn't have that problem...

Best Regards

PS: seams like the Programs and Features is listing a different Version Number: 15.0.4569.1506


Just click at Design Mode icon
in picture at left side visDocModeDesign and at right - visDocModeRun

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