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Visio 2013 Dynamic Connector Midpoint Color

Started by spickles, May 11, 2015, 08:51:37 PM

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The midpoint color on the dynamic connector used to be green or yellow in previous versions, right?  I'm using the dynamic connector in VS 2013 and the midpoint is the SAME color as the line.  That is so hard to find the midpoint!  Can I change the color of that back to green or yellow so that as I can easily find those midpoints?



It's the default color for the default theme?

The line color is #5692C9; 86, 146, 201 (R,G,B)
The midpoint color is not solid.  The center point of the dot is #3D85DB; 61, 133, 219 (R,G,B)

The line thickness is 4.5 pt.


i don't use themes. Only black-white in visio 2010 :)

my collegue who use visio 2013, set connector as yellow color. and after that he can see midpoint and handles of connector...


Exactly what I need.  How do I set the color to yellow?  Can your colleague tell me how?


Hi spickles,

he told that he changed connector's color via buttons on Ribbon named Home

This picture originally posted in article Visio 2013 news and screenshots

Use button Line in section Shape Styles, if you yet have desired formatted connector you can use Format Pointer.

My way just press keys Shift+F3


I am able to change the line color but NOT the point color.  For example, the line [attached] is green but the dots are still the original blue color.


For you have great importance what color is dots ?  ;)


Dot color doesn't necessarily matter so long as it contrasts enough such that when I make the line as thick or thicker than the dots it stands out.  I suppose I should just change the line color, leave it thin enough to work with it, and then apply my final formatting when I'm all done.

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