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FixedLists issue pre/post 2007 Visio

Started by MattOfSweden, April 10, 2015, 03:04:49 PM

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I've gotten hold of a old fibre connection plan at work. This was created in 2006 and hasn't been updated much since.

Anyways, I had to deep dive into visio and shapesheets (never used it much previously) because I need this up to spec in a forseeable future to keep track of everything.

The document is basically a document where all the fibre patch panels running between datacenters are supposed to be documented and all pairs in use given a unique number. It was set up with document shapesheet data (fixed lists) specifying available locations, rack positions amongst other things.

Current child-shapes, pre 2007 Visio, does not use index references to fixed lists sourced from document shapesheet. This is good, as I would have messed up the whole document when I added new stuff to the fixed lists. Keeping old master shapes in the document is no problem.

To get some dynamic function out of this I've created two new shapes based on one the old ones which will fit my purposes. The snag is of course that Visio post-2007 will use index reference to fixed lists sourced in the document shapesheet. And these fixed lists will without doubt change.

I wish my child-shape (on drop) to copy the current document shapesheet fixed list and store it. Any adjustment to the fixed list should hence only affect new child-shapes and not existing ones. I suppose this can be done with a VBA script that triggers on drop, but I think this also needs to happen before the ask dialog pops up asking me about the information for this shape mostly in drop down lists.

Attached a reduced copy where the two new shapes are. Fixed lists and pre-2007 shapes also existing for reference.

I don't know VBA myself but I can understand a little bit if the code is commented.

Another question.

I have a fixed list of: "01;01A;01B;01C;01D;02A;02B;02C;02D...........etc....... "
When I use this as a referenced list I get 01, 01A, 01B, 1c, 1d, 02A, 02B, 2c, 2d, ..... How come?

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