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Visio Users Introduce Yourselves!

Started by davidoff, January 11, 2009, 07:27:23 PM

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Dear friends,
its not long time for to start sharing experiences in this forum, ( just asking questions actually  :P :P :P )
as i discovered there are lots of people using this excellent program from all around the world,
i suggest to share our brief history in visio and life, to meet ppl to share similar experiences more effectively,

as i start,
I work as industrial engineer in Türkiye (in english Turkey) 
i work with visio for Layout designing of Factories & shopfloors, Value Stream Mapping.

Paul Herber

Greetings from a rainy Hampshire, England !
Are you by any chance using the Turkish version of Visio? If so, is there any chance you could have a look at topic ?

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Quote from: Paul Herber on January 12, 2009, 01:05:38 PM
Greetings from a rainy Hampshire, England !
Are by any chance using the Turkish version of Visio? If so, is there any chance you could have a look at topic ?

Dear Paul,
check the link for Turkish tranlation!
kind regards.

Visio Guy

Hi Everyone,

I'm Chris (aka: Visio Guy). I'm from (also rainy) Seattle, but have been living in Munich, Germany since 2003.

My favorite things to do with Visio are:

  • Solving customer problems with graphics, SmartShapes and automation
  • "Forcing" Visio into creating high-quality graphics arts (dare I say "beautiful")
  • Pushing the ShapeSheet and SmartShapes to new limits
  • Sharing my knowledge with the rest of you

Thanks everyone for visiting this site and making it such a success!

- Chris
For articles, tips and free content, see the Visio Guy Website at
Get my Visio Book! Using Microsoft Visio 2010


Hi Evryone
I am Stefan, I have been using Visio since version 4.1, many years ago.

I use Visio for simplfied drawings of petrochemical plant, used for training and reference purposes, personnel find them easier to use than plant P&ID drawings in CAD.     


Quote from: Visio Guy on January 13, 2009, 12:03:12 AM
Hi Everyone,

I'm Chris (aka: Visio Guy). I'm from (also rainy) Seattle, but have been living in Munich, Germany since 2003.

My favorite things to do with Visio are:

  • Solving customer problems with graphics, SmartShapes and automation
  • "Forcing" Visio into creating high-quality graphics arts (dare I say "beautiful")
  • Pushing the ShapeSheet and SmartShapes to new limits
  • Sharing my knowledge with the rest of you

Thanks everyone for visiting this site and making it such a success!

- Chris

Nice to meet you all!! Chris thanks for this fantastic website!!!



Salutations from Yossi in Israel (originally from Baltimore - living in Israel 24 years).

I am an engineer and technical writer, and have been fighting ... er working with ... Visio for over ten years. As with all computer applications, and especially those from Microsoft, I enjoy getting the results I want despite the best efforts of the software authors to prevent it. I loathe bitmap/raster images in my documents so I use Visio extensively to create smooth, scalable, and lightweight graphics.

Endless thanks to Visio guy for creating and sharing solutions that work (and explaining how they do)!


Hello --

Wayne's the name, but I go by Wapperdude (long story).  I've used Visio since it was first packaged with Windows 3.11, and still have my Visio Techical 4.1 install floppies.  It's only been about a year now that I've begun exploring and using the power of Visio beyond making simple, basic diagrams.  I'm a direct descendant of Rip Van Winkle!  Yawn.

Electrical engineer by trade for these past 39 years.  Among other things, I guess I'm known for a quirky sense of humor.  Oh, and I live at the center of the world -- California.   ::)  ;D  ;)
Visio 2019 Pro



Andy from the South West UK here (I think we invented rain!)

I'm a software developer of 25 years in SCADA and Power systems (mainly C++ and UNIX).

However, the last 3 years or so have been involved in designing and implementing an application for modelling electrical networks using Visio 2003 (VBA/VB). The network diagram shows circuit breakers, transformers, feeders and other major items of electrical plant. The software then determines each feeder's live/dead/earthed status, and reacts to switching operations just like the real network.

Generally pushing Visio to its limit, it seems.

Live life with an open mind


Jean Dion
Storage Architect at a top 5 server/storage vendor

- Create visio stencils since first release of Visio
- Share part of my work here
- Also mentioned on VisioCafe
- Love to create shapes during my spare time and for my day-to-day work

I've done probably over 5000 drawings and probably over 200 commercial stencils with 20 shapes each. 

Unfortunately most of my stencils are no longer available externally (stencils).  Legal reason.

I'm trying hard to have them publish one day.  Stay tuned!


Quote from: jdtools on January 30, 2009, 02:33:22 AM
Jean Dion
Storage Architect at a top 5 server/storage vendor

- Create visio stencils since first release of Visio
- Share part of my work here
- Also mentioned on VisioCafe
- Love to create shapes during my spare time and for my day-to-day work

I've done probably over 5000 drawings and probably over 200 commercial stencils with 20 shapes each. 

Unfortunately most of my stencils are no longer available externally (stencils).  Legal reason.

I'm trying hard to have them publish one day.  Stay tuned!

dear Jean what kind of stencils did you make ? warehouse or etc. ?


No  :)  Even if I like to do renovations and create my design with visio too.

I work on computer data storage business along with computers.   For the last 26 years now.

I architect large data storage configuration to hold few TB to several Petabytes of archive like the ones you see at bank, university, libraries, google etc.

The challenge now a days is to archive digital data for centuries...not just days like most of us think.

In other word, I would like to have my visio been available long time after my life on earth is gone. Same as pictures on the pyramids of caverns. 

A big challenge with all the data format and storage device that last 5 years or less on average.

Who keep or read is data on 8 inches floppy or audio cassettes from Tandy computers...  ::)


Scott here -- just north of Boston, MA in the US. I've been actively using Visio for five or six years, Visio 2002-2003-2007 mostly. I have a generalist background -- a bit of data communications and early network technology; some software development; product marketing and product management; technology training...

My involvement with Visio started when our four-person consulting company cobbled together Visio and Access and a bit of string and chewing gum to create an easier way for our customers to document their work processes. That evolved into our current product for which I'm the chief architect, primary tech support rep, occasional coder, and all the other stuff that comes from trying to run a small software company.

I am endlessly intrigued by Visio, wish in some ways that I'd stumbled upon it years earlier like Chris, Paul, Al and others who hang around here, but am having a ball discovering new things every day...



Working with Visio since 1998 when a friend suggested it for a project.  The following saying is
my view of Visio  "Visio is to powerpoint as a mech pencil is to a crayon".  Still learning stuff all
the time (tricks and such).   Most of my projects are advanced computer server and network configs
everything from using todays stuff in a data center to detailed subsystem designs for things years
in the future).

Hopefully, in Visio 20xx, MS either fills out the capabilities suite to make it more of a PPT replacement
....or....merge the two (Visio precision and shapes with PPT presentation and animation) up PPT for things like custom shapes (users need to spend lots of time trying to
figure out how to use the anorexic waterfront of smartshapes in PPT to try to articulate a complex idea).

Shameless plug:   June the Second is a very very very creative Visio developer....definitely extended my understanding of the possibilities

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