How do I use the Org Chart shapes from Visio 2010 in Visio 2013

Started by tgrana, October 13, 2014, 05:46:04 PM

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I was a frequent user of the Org Chart tool in Visio 2010.  I was able to modify the Shapes to change certain attributes such as color and line width based on information in the source data Excel file.

I now have Visio 2013.  How do I force the Org Charting tool to use my custom shapes that were created in Visio 2010?

Visio 2013 displays an Org Chart using the "Belt - Organization Chart Shapes" by default, and only gives me the option to use the shapes available on the "Org Chart" tab.  I want to use the plain and simple shapes that were available in Vision 2010.  I can edit my custom changes from there if needed... but I'd rather use the custom shapes that I already created.


I'd like to add my request. I have spent days googling the problem and can't work out how to get plain organisational chart shapes; removing pictures and using the Shapetacular theme seems to be the best solution, but that suffers from text alignment problems.

Is there any way to create a new set of org chart shapes?


I don't have an answer for you, but you could try the document stencil (under More Shapes -- open the stencil and right-click on a shape, then modify it. Close the window after you are done modifying it and click "yes" to update the shape and all its instances.)

I'm posting to ask how you were able to change your shape colour/line based on shape data in 2010. I would like to know how to do that. :-)



I don't appear to have the ability to edit the embedded org chart stencils (using Visio Standard 2013).  I just want the old simple and soul-less org charts from Visio 2010... without the extra fluff.

Side note:  My notes on how I edited the old stencil to make format changes based on my input data are:
1) Double click the shape in Doc Stencil (a new drawing pops up)
2) Highlight shape
3) Select "Show SheetShape" in Developer tab
4) Edit the formatting you want to change
4a) For my project, I have a column in my Excel source data called "Status"
4b) I want the line color to change (and thicken) for certain status values
4c) So I edited the "Line Format" section like this:
[LineWeight]  =IF(LEN(Prop.Status)>1,3 pt,1 pt)
[LineColor]  =INDEX(LOOKUP(Prop.Status,"Approved;Pending;Special"),"3;2;5",,"0")
5) When you close the new drawing that popped up earlier, you get the option to "Update all of its instances".  Choose Yes.


An If statement in a formatting field? That's awesome. Can't wait to try that -- thank you very much for listing the steps.  ;D

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