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automating scaled drawings using Excel

Started by jebuxx, October 01, 2014, 04:27:16 PM

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Hello, I have a Excel spread sheet that show 22 different items that can be produced and mailed of various configurations. The goal is to have the sales team access this spread sheet, pick the item that
their client is asking for, enter the size the client is requiring it be, (there could be as many as 10 shapes on the template that will need to scale to the size that was entered in Excel) In Visio I will have standard
templates made of each item. Once the sales rep has selected that item and changed the size in Excel
they will then hit a hyperlink to that Visio template and the sizes will be adjusted to what was entered in
Excel. The Visio template file will then be saved as a PDF. The PDF can then be sent to the client to be was for their art and graphics assembly. I need to know if this is doable and how to accomplish it.


Sure that can be done.
But what's your currency? ;)
Time? --> There are a lot of different issues to solve. You'll need to dig quite deep in visio.
Money? --> Hire a Pro.

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