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Do all shapes start as Centre Centric

Started by douglasgblake, September 30, 2014, 03:12:55 PM

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I am putting together a user interface for a new product and I want my shapes to be top left centric such that the centre of rotation of a shape is always top left. Can I set Visio to use this setting forever. One problem I have is when I group shapes, the centre of rotation goes to default centre of the shape.

PS Visio 2010

Paul Herber

I think this is always the case, and I know of no way to change it, except by writing some code.

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Visio's standard procedure would be to work from masters in a stencil. These masters could have any setting you want.


As Paul indicates, there is no "Easy" button built into Visio to do this.

As Yacine indicates, most everything is adjustable.  By that, either manually, or by code. 

If there are only a few shapes, it might be quicker to do it manually.
  1.)  Drag shape to drawing, grab and move the rotation center to upper left,
  2.)  Open shapesheet, edit the LocPinX = width*0 and LocPinY = height*1.  Close shapesheet.

To avoid repeating process every time, save each modified shape to custom stencil.  You could even create a template that loads your custom stencil(s) automatically.

If you want to do all shapes on a Visio provided stencil, I'd save the stencil as some custom name, then you need code to run thru each shape and change the LocPinX and LocPinY.  Save custom stencil when code completes.

Visio 2019 Pro

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