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Unwanted stencil listed in Shapes menu

Started by iand, September 23, 2014, 10:29:53 AM

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I recently tried a sample file that had dataflow diagram shapes.  The sample was installed via a .msi file, and was uninstalled via right-click & select uninstall.

Problem is it's left the Dataflow diagrams item in the shapes menu, the list under More Shapes.  The files have been removed as selecting the items errors.

How do I remove the entries?


Paul Herber

Hi Ian, I assume this is my Sandrila DFD shapes sampler.
I've just tried it, it seems to be ok. When you uninstall make sure Visio is closed first.
If you've used the sampler shapes then there may be an entry in the recently used templates.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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