How to Change the Arrowheads on the Database "Relationship" Connector"

Started by rsmldmv, March 13, 2013, 04:19:21 PM

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I've created a new Database document where I need to create an ERD. When I drag the "Relationship Connector" to join two Entities, it only shows a straight line with an error. I need to be able to show a "one to many" or "many to many" type of relationship and can't seem to change the connector style. Can someone please help me with this. I'm using Visio 2010.


Visio Guy

Hi Blake,

If you select the connector, then got to the Database Properties window, you can click the Miscellaneous item in the Categories list. There you've got the "M to N" settings under Cardinality.

But you won't see anything until you go to the Database ribbon tab, and mess with the Display Options. On the Relationship tab, there are some check boxes, like Crow's Feet, which will get you what you want to see.

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Visio 2013 Professional:
When your connector is in place between two tables center the cursor which turns into crosshair arrows over your connector, right click, and you should get an option to "Set Begin Symbol" and "Set End Symbol" amongst other choices.  Mouse over or click on the appropriate option and select your relationship.

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