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Dynamic Connectors smal blue handles

Started by novski, August 30, 2014, 11:22:45 AM

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Yes ist is exactly what im looking for.

This is acepted but does not give out the Value of Geometry1.X1 instead it is static 0.000

This gives out a 1.000

This gets accepted but gives out a #VALUE! error

This gives out a 0.000

:2h later...
I found a way.

Setting the Prompt cell to:
Gives a base to make a index in a other prompt cell: =SETF(GetRef(User.Row_53),INDEX(User.Row_56,User.Row_54,"|",))
And that gives out my Geometry1.X1 point in mm witch in my case is 0.00mm in Cell: User.Row_53.Value
now i can change User.Row_56.Value by hand to any number i want. (+1)

With setting User.Row_56 to User.Row_55 i can make my operation be done automatically.

So now i get the coordinate of my x point as i need it. really cool.


I still have a question.

Jumpy helped me out on the task to get hold of the Geometry1.X sections also when the geometry sections disappear.
He made a +Dependson(TxtPinX) behind the formula. Now my text will not move so it will not update the formula as well.
I experimentd a bit with the Pathlengt and segments but i can't follow how the segments are counted.
Neather do i find any information about the number of segments related to a connection line.
or here:

if i draw a straight 1D Line it counts 1 segment. If i lift of the middle vertex i get 7 and if i make a "S" its 11.

How does it count the segments or what is a segment...?


fount it. And its a waaaaaaay easier formula than the absolutely cool trick from jumpy (thank you Jumpy anyway, to give me the knowledge about how to fix Visio to effect my formulas of GeometryX.XY trough the Prompt cell!)

The segmentcount seams to count the (Legs + edge). So because the two ends don't have an edge its possible to count +2 and then divide it trough 2 to get the correct number of Legs we see. This is more accurate than the reseting of a formula trough the prompt cell.
I noticed that that is hard to configure because the +Dependson(TxtPinX) sometimes doesn't seams to work on certain cells.

This is the full formula:


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