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Visio 2010 PDF issue

Started by rickscr, August 12, 2014, 04:51:08 PM

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I'm having a weird problem when saving/exporting my Visio document as a PDF. The shapes in the PDF come out with jagged edges that don't show up in Visio. If I look closely, the same problem is present when I print from Visio.  Has anyone run into this before?
I've attached sample screenshots from the PDF and from Visio.



One more. The letters are part of a logo and are not text.


I am using Visio 2013, but ,,,

This picture was captured from pdf window.
Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Best Regards,

Junichi Yoda


Have you tried another PDF tool than the one integrated in Visio?


Yes, I also tried printing to PDF.

I have found a solution for now. There must have been something wrong with the file, because when I started from scratch, the problem went away.

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