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Looking for stencils (eSafe and Stonesoft)

Started by powerlite, January 04, 2012, 05:19:23 PM

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Hello everyone.

First time here, and noob Visio 2010 user. I'm in the process of sketching our server room in visio and I cannot find some equipment stencils.

The ones I'm not able to find are:
- StoneSoft FW-1200
- Safenet eSafe XG210

Need to be free as they are needed for work and boss doesn't want to spend any money :(

Thanks a lot.



Jumpy Yes I did. That was my main source for the stencils I got. I also got others from official brand sites and I also contacted brand support for the stencils that I´m missing.

Still missing the same ones as yesterday :(


I would suggest creating your own version.  Use an existing shape and just change the shape data fields to match your missing equipment.  I run into this with my job all the time. Sometimes the best stencils/shapes are the customs one we create.


Fin as a stater to Visio can you offer me some tips on creating stencil please?



having fought that battle many times (usually win it when I show the cost of building what he wanted vs purchasing it), in any case you might check these out by our resident guru


images into importable objects

scaled images into drawings (often required for network equipment)

using tracing of images to draw a visio shape


Depending on what version of Visio you have, (2003 called the fields Custom Properties, 2007/2010 call them Shape Data)  Microsoft gives you a small crash course on how to add the fields and customize them.  The link is below, also just searching the term shape data and custom properties in this forum will give you more insight.  Any shape can have data even a simple line...


Thank you all for you help. The ones i did not get I did like aledlund recomended. Inserted images ;)


Hey Guys, I have found new 3D logical stencils for 3D style network diagrams with shadow, glowing light effects for MS Visio.

See the sample. They are awesome.
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