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Stencil Line Thickness 2013 -> 2010

Started by ajayre, March 13, 2014, 02:41:34 PM

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I've created a stencil in Visio 2013 which has a dynamic connector. The master has a line thickness of 5pt.

When a colleague opens the stencil and uses it in Visio 2010 the connector has a very thin line, I guess 0.5pt or something like that.

How can I make my stencil work well with both versions? I don't have access to Visio 2010 so testing is a bit difficult.

Thanks, Andy

Paul Herber

Is the dynamic connector one of the shapes in your stencil? If the drawing already contains a dynamic connector within the document stencil then that one might be the one that actually gets used. Best to rename it as your own connector.
Is the line thickness an actual value or is it it set by a theme? You'll have to look in the shapesheet to see this.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hi Paul,

The connector shape has a unique name so it won't clash with anything else.

In the shapesheet I have:


I have to admit that s gibberish to me. I guess if a theme is applied then use the theme otherwise 5pt? How can I make sure it is always 5pt? Will this work?


Presumably if the theme is overriding the thickness then I just need to get my colleague to change to another theme?



Confirmed - colleague selected a theme...  :P

Paul Herber

Aye, themes can mess up the most finely designed shape!
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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