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Visio on IPad

Started by rickb, April 23, 2010, 05:08:47 PM

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My company is looking at IPAD's for the field engineering team and as one of the members on the test team, I am looking for an APP that will show Visio well. Any suggestions?


Quote...that will show Visio well...
does it not?


To clarify, the IPAD's have not arrived yet, should be here in a week.
Given the price of apps, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on trial and error, so I thought I would reach to this team.
One of the apps, I keep running into is OmniGraffle, has anyone used this or a similar app.



Hi Rick,
Omnigraffle is a very useful app. I've been using the desktop version on and off for a little while now. In fact, I love all the Omni Group apps on desktop and iPad.

That being said, I am not aware of any apps capable of displaying files in the native .vsd format. Omnigraffle wont do you any good unless you have the desktop version (Mac-only).

My solution has been to print/save as PDF and store in Dropbox ( or other iThing-accessible cloud storage.

Another future solution would be Visio Services in SharePoint 2010 (provided you're in a SharePoint environment).

FYI, iPhone/iPad-compatible file formats include:
Images (.jpg, .tiff, .gif)
Music (.mp3, .aiff, .m4a, .wav)
Movies (.mov, .mp4, .m4v)
Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx)
Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx)
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
Adobe PDF (.pdf)
Keynote presentations (.key)
Pages documents (.pages)
Numbers spreadsheets (.numbers)
Web pages (.htm, .html)
Text and rich-text files (.txt, .rtf)


Just wanted to thank Will for such a complete and thorough answer.  Thanks for contributing you knowledge!


There is Visio Viewer for iPad/iPhone -


I do the same thing, I needed an app so I could view the visio documents in my email while working on the field. I found "iSee files for Visio" is good because I can open .vsd and .vdx straight from my email. Works for me :) I guess I should be nice and post a link to the app

Hey Ken

   What I do is to save my Visio drawings as HTML, then distribute the HTML version rather than Visio.  That way there's no playing around with downloading apps that may or may not work tomorrow, and no worries about licensing issues or hardware incompatibilities.  It's all browser based, and it doesn't get much more vanilla than that.

   It's straightforward to do in Visio: use Save As, choose Web Page for the file type, and click Publish.  I turn off all the Publishing Options such that all I see in the browser are the Visio pages, but you may want to include the options if you need extensive page-to-page navigation.  Personally, I use an arrow shape as a button and hyperlink it to the next page.  Leaves more real estate for my drawings that way.

   - Ken
Ken V. Krawchuk
No Dogs on Mars - A Starship Story


I like Ken's suggestion above.  If you want to *edit* documents, as well as view them, on your iPad then you can check out Lucidchart.

It's a pretty solid Visio alternative and can import/export VSD/VDX files.  I use it on my Mac and iPad since it's a web app.


Recently I stumbled on a good alternative for viewing vsd, vdx and vsdx documents on iPad - VisiTouch. Found this app through the Internet and it turned out to be very useful. What is great about this app is that it enables you not only to view Visio on iPad, but to convert Visio to PDF (in case you need to share a document from iPad/iPhone with someone who doesn't have any Visio viewer installed). Although this thread was started a while ago and I suppose the author has already found a solution, I can recommend this app for anyone who's still seeking for this kind of software  ;)


Hi, guys! Unfortunately, there is no complete alternative for iPad, but it is possible to preview Visio drawings using Visio viewer developed by Nektony:
here are some promo codes for Visguy fans:


...we would kindly appreciate your feedback via Enjoy!


lets you import and export Visio (VDX/XML Drawing format), if that is of any help.

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