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Format setting on Desktop PC

Started by sargan, January 10, 2014, 12:09:36 PM

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Have 2007 sp3 installed on a W7 64 bit desk top PC...

Starts up and works fine ... however if I want to change document format ... i.e. from portatit to Landscape ...

I go File > Page setup .....  and then I get the blue spinning doughnut .. typically for 30sec (sometimes more)  before the options box appears and I can select for example 'landscape'

Once this has happened once ... if I go back to Page Setup at any point options box pops up almost immediately, until next time I restart Vision and I get the delay first time I use this function


windows 7 does that for most apps I use....not like XP


None of the other Office Apps do this for me  .. also have same installed on PC desktop ... does not happen there either.

Didn't used to do it ... started when Office reinstalled


windows 7 does it for visio word ppt for me.....To the point I occasionally get the "app not responding  quite? or continue?"

lots of nagging / "what the heck were you thinking MS" things with windows 7



I've also had this in the past (the 30 second delay).  I think I narrowed it down to an offline wireless printer, which (I assume) the dialog is polling before it times out - although this was a little while ago.  Obviously this shouldn't interrupt the UI in this way.

Have you tried changing the default printer (just to check if this changes the behaviour)?

Best regards

John Goldsmith - Visio MVP

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