Anyone come up with a way of getting connection points visible with Visio 2010

Started by AndyW, November 25, 2013, 03:17:31 PM

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I have show connection points enabled. However, my connection points do not appear. I now find this is a feature!!! of Visio 2010. So yes, get a connector near a shape and its connection points appear.

However, if I drag a control point near a shape the connection points for the shape do not appear. How are users supposed to guess where the connection points are for the control!!!!

Either need to be able to force connection points to be always shown or they need to appear when control points are dragged near. This seems quite a serious issue.
Live life with an open mind

Paul Herber

I agree 100%. It was a silly change. Best would have been to make it an option:
"Only show connection points when manually routing connectors".

Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Too true. I can see a certain logic behind it, but if it doesn't work for control points it is useless. How do my users guess where the connection points are on a shape. Guessing I am going to have to add my own sub-shapes to show where the connection points are. Just some of my shapes are quite complicated already, doh!!!
Live life with an open mind

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