Adobe Reader Fails to open PDF's published from Viso

Started by Nathan, October 17, 2013, 11:27:26 PM

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I think you guys misunderstood what I meant to say

I use PDF995 to take a visio file (or any file since its a print driver) and create a PDF
(the only issue I ever had with PDF995 is that transparent shapes tend to get filled really cant do "overlays" per se).

That said, I did the following
   - Opened in adobe the file "cant open" a warning but did open (looks like a small DC motor)
   - I "printed" it via PDF995 to another warnings (still a motor).

Adobe reader = 10.1.8
PDF995 = oh I dont know....back when the earth was cooling....maybe 10 years ago I got version (with adds).


No.  Understood.  Just wanted to try an experiment to see PDF995 could somehow see the 2nd page.  Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat show blank 2nd page.

Thanks for the extra effort.

So what you saw was not a rotated rectangle with gradient fill. 

I guess next step is to get the original Visio file and let other users try the experiment to see if the problem can be replicated.

Visio 2019 Pro


both the WILL and WILL NOT OPEN files have 1 page each....neither has a second page even listed.




Hey, I am also beginning to notice this problem. I am using Publish as PDF from Visio 2007, and when opened up in Adobe Acrobat v8.1.3, only some of the shapes appear with no error. The new version of Adobe Reader does same thing plus error.   But the interesting I found was that only some shapes appear. 

So I started deleting shapes here and there to see if there was a problem with a shape, and I found some change
in which shapes appeared and disappeared.  So I set to isolate the problem down to which shapes are causing problems.

I found almost all shapes that had angles other than 0, 90, 180, 270 would cause the error. Even an angle like 90.0001 would cause an error.

So I tried opening another PDF document generated from a file a few years back that utilized virtually the same stencil shapes.  It opened flawlessly. But now when I generate the same pdf through visio 2007 from the same vsd file used originally, I get an error and the symptom of shapes appearing and not appearing.  :o ???

Isolated shape that the problem comes from is attached. Three shapes are shown. Any shape drawn after the third shape will not appear.

Paul Herber

Yes, I get the same. The generated PDF causes Adobe Reader to crash.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Okay update: I isolated the problem further. Any shape with a fill of pattern 29 and rotated will not appear, and/or will sponsor an error.


plot thickens....995 with visio 2003 did NOT have a problem with the "drawing1.vsd" file


I down loaded trial of Acrobat Pro.  It provides Adobe PDF Maker as an add-in for Visio.  Did a simple test of three filled rectangles.  Two with gradients.  No problems.  Fills came out fine.

Visio 2019 Pro


Now for the supplied Visio file.  Ran Adobe PDF Maker.  No issues.  Both pages converted without any problems.

BTW, this was with V2007.  I don't have the Visio pdf add-in as I tend to have issues whenever I update V2007 in the presence of Office 2010.

But it does look like it is a Visio conversion problem.

Visio 2019 Pro


and finally, the last Visio file of interest was converted effortlessly.

I saved it under the name below rather than the drawing1.vsd default name provided.

Visio 2019 Pro

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