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Double Click actions not working

Started by djmyers, September 30, 2013, 06:23:33 PM

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I just upgraded to Visio 2013 professional and when I try to double click on a symbol the action that is supposed to happen isn't.  For example, when I double click a symbol it is supposed to hide/show a line.  When I do double click the shape, my mouse select objects within the shape instead of hiding the line.  If I do this to a symbol that is not grouped it works as expected.

The shape worked fine in Visio 2012 which makes me think there is a setting I need to change that I cannot find.  I did just replace my mouse, but I also tried it with my old mouse and the laptops buttons.

Any thoughts?



Shapes can have beside the standard action (which is to edit the shape's text) other actions responding to a double-click.
What that action is, can be seen either under the behaviour of the shape (right click), or in the shapesheet (almost at the end of it, in the category events.
I guess, that your shape had a macro linked to the double-click and that this link is lost.
Reasons for this loss could be a certain stencil, that you are not loading.
Have a look at the shapesheet of your shape and tell us the formula of the double click event.


Below are the two different commands it is trying to run in the EventDblClick:

Shape 1:

Shape 2:

The shapes that are referencing macros are the only ones that are working...  The odd thing is is if the shaped is grouped the double click event will not work, but if the shape is not grouped it works just fine.


Some thoughts:
- If you double click a group of shapes that have a certain double click behaviour, it's the double click behaviour of the group that matters, not that of the child shapes.
- In Shape 1 the formula references a shape 1035. Is it in your drawing? If it is, then has a cell scratch.A1?


Another speculation:
One click on a group selects that group. A second click selects a subshape of the group.
Maybe the clicks are to slow (new mouse?) to be registered as a doubleclick?

Or the group behaviour has changed. Normally a (first) click or doubleclick belongs to the group. But in Visio 2007 and prior you can alter that behaviour of each shape/group so that the first click selects a subshape. If so, than your doubleclick happens to the subshape, where no action is defined. But if so, I don't understand what changed that behaviour. It's a shape level property, adjustable for each shape, not a global one that should have changed in newer Visio Versions.

Perhaps you can upload a small drawing with one of the faulty shapes and we can look at it with different Visio versions.


Quote from: Yacine on October 01, 2013, 04:36:44 AM
Some thoughts:
- If you double click a group of shapes that have a certain double click behaviour, it's the double click behaviour of the group that matters, not that of the child shapes.
- In Shape 1 the formula references a shape 1035. Is it in your drawing? If it is, then has a cell scratch.A1?

Shape 1035 is within the group I am double clicking.  It contains the line that needs to disappear.

Quote from: Jumpy on October 01, 2013, 06:21:17 AM
Another speculation:
One click on a group selects that group. A second click selects a subshape of the group.
Maybe the clicks are to slow (new mouse?) to be registered as a doubleclick?

Or the group behaviour has changed. Normally a (first) click or doubleclick belongs to the group. But in Visio 2007 and prior you can alter that behaviour of each shape/group so that the first click selects a subshape. If so, than your doubleclick happens to the subshape, where no action is defined. But if so, I don't understand what changed that behaviour. It's a shape level property, adjustable for each shape, not a global one that should have changed in newer Visio Versions.

Perhaps you can upload a small drawing with one of the faulty shapes and we can look at it with different Visio versions.

I know I am clicking fast enough as this shape worked in previous versions of Visio.  It just seems that 2013 is having this issue (other people in the office are using this symbol just fine).  I did get a new mouse and computer.  I switched out to my old mouse and it still was not working.  All double click actions seem to be working fine in other applications.

I thought I remember seeing that option in Visio and figured that was my issue.  Not sure if that is still in Visio (hidden?).

Attached is the drawing with the symbol in question.  I have looked at the shapesheet and everything seems fine (this is also pulled from a stencil).


The frame shape worked just fine. Did not follow that one.

The line however was interesting. When I tried to edit the formula, Visio refused stating "circular formula error". That is because the formula is set on the basis of ScratchA1 and ScratchA1 as well on the basis of the doubleclick event cell.

Visio's parser must have improved, because it seems to better detect this error.

If you remove the formula in scratchA1 and write the following formula in the doubleclick event cell, then shape works as expected.

PS: I work with V2007


I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue with 2013?  We just got a new employee in the office with Visio 2013 and she is having the same problems I am.



I can reproduce your issue.
On your drawing, double-click event works in Visio 2010 and does not work in Visio 2013.

You could try to "fix" it as following:
Open "developer" tab, select the shape, click "behavior", select "selection", set "group only".


Can you pls suggest different solution from "Group Only". If i change it to "GroupOnly", i'm not able to edit the sub shapes.


This formula can lock/unlock ability select sub-shapes


Assuming that this is a V2013 issue (I don't have V2013 so cannot confirm), you could re-work your shape a little.

At the group level shape, open the shapesheet
  1.  insert geometry sections, replicating geometries that are in your shape.1035.  Basically, your moving the location from subshape to the group shape. 

  2.  change the dblclick cell value to be:  SETF(GetRef(Geometry1.NoShow),NOT(Geometry1.NoShow)).  You don't need the scratch section.

  3.  eliminate shape.1035.

This ought to preserve your functionality keeping the double click localized to the toplevel group shape.

Visio 2019 Pro


In Visio 2013 double click event works fine if dblclick cell value in shapes 22, 23, 24 is set to following:
Sub-shapes have a higher priority.



When I double click the "Main Shape" for some reason the macro present in the double click event of the "Main Shape" picks the sub shape.

I have attached the document for details.


Hi harsha652,
do you use group or container ?

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