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Visio fonts not working properly in Win 7

Started by spyrule, September 17, 2013, 12:26:30 PM

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So, I've been working on a rather large Visio file for the past two months in XP (visio 2010), and all is good.

However, I am upgrading to Windows 7, visio 2010.  Since doing so, I noted that all of my fonts were no longer loading correctly.
I then noticed that my fonts list was showing the samples in the wrong language (seems like a mix of arabic, and west asian of some kind).

I've attached a screenshot of the problem.

I should note that I have checked my regions, language selections, and language selections in Visio and ALL are set to US English (exactly what they were in XP).

Any help/suggestions are apprciated.

- Spyrule


visio uses relative offset into list of fonts....not....font by name

So if your list on win7 is in a different order than say win XP, when a shape is touched, the font will update to the new one

For example
    Win XP.....3rd font down is Arial
    Win 7.....3rd font down is Times Roman
    when a shape is selected/updated....arial will change to times roman


well, that's stupidly annoying.

But more importantly is why the sample text is showing up in foreign languages and not in english.

I think this is my bigger problem.

Paul Herber

I agree, this is something that should have been fixed ages ago.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


So directly related to the same problem (and this is what I initially noticed),

When I load my visio file (unfortunately, I cannot post it), but I had a bunch of text locations that were placed throughout the diagrams, and all fit correctly.

Now, in 2010 in Win 7, the font sizing seems to be wacky. Text is bigger then it showed up in XP.

The font TYPE is correct (it's the same font as previous), but now the font size seems bigger then it should be (or was specified when the text was created).

I've specifically used the Kartika font @ 6pt.  What shows up, is Kartika 10-11pt (kinda hard to tell tbh).

I'm stumped why this is happening.

Just to clarify, the text is still actually referencing Kartika as I had originally chosen, so it should be ok that way.

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