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ShapeSheet Search

Started by Visio Guy, August 30, 2013, 01:36:31 PM

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Visio Guy

I would like to be able to search for cell names, expressions in cells, etc. The trace dependents/precedents feature is great, but it is still hard to find things that you know or suspect are present.

A search for all REF errors would be very valuable in maintaining shapes as well.
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Check out the shiny ShapeSheet Watch tool ;)
Now full-text search (in formulas, values, cell names, etc) is supported:


Looks pretty cool. How would I install it on a windows 7 / Visio 2007 machine?
I installed the ShapeSheetWatch_2013_11_x64.msi, but can't see any menu or macro to run. I must have missed something.


If you have Visio 2007, please install "x86" version.  You should get a toolbar with a new button :)

The x64 version is for Visio x64 bit (x64 edition exists only for Visio 2010/2013)


"x86" version:

- Visio 2003
- Visio 2007
- Visio 2010
- Visio 2013

"x64" version:
- Visio 2010 x64
- Visio 2013 x64


Thank you Nikolay,
fantastic job.

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