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Unable to save in dwg or dxf format

Started by Stefan, July 11, 2013, 06:48:13 PM

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I am using Visio 2010 professional and I have a drawing which I attempted to save in dwg file format, which I was unable to perform, hence I tried to save in dxf format this operation was unsuccessful any ideas what could be wrong or what I need to adjust, the drawing is on one page and only contains one layer.
Thanks to anyone who replies   

Paul Herber

Is there an error message? Where do you save the file to?
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


Hi Paul;
I am saving to the same folder as the original visio file,  selecting 'save as'> 'dwg' using the drop down menu and nothing happens, no error message. I have checked all the other save as functions and they all work except the 'dwg' and 'dxf' options. The only parameter I have changed is reducing the file in size from the original as drawn on four pages to fit only one page, I also attempted copying to a new blank single page and tried the save as >dwg function, still no joy, any ideas I would appreciate your help

Paul Herber

Check File -> Options -> Addins
and see if there are any disabled addins
Also at the bottom of the Addins page, Manage -> Disabled Items -> Go
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


I have checked all the add ins and have attached a copy of the display, no addins are disabled, thanks for your help to date


Hi Stefan.

I am also having the same exact issue, but I get a message box that says "Cannot save the file. please try again." No real error code or explanation whatsoever!!!

Does anyone have any insight into this?

I tried saving my drawing as a DXF and as a DWG with the same result.  >:(

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