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Ends of Connector not behaving the same

Started by barneysplash, July 08, 2013, 10:22:06 AM

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Hi all

I am trying to do a Visio diagram of a network rack system.
I am using coloured lines between stencils for cables.

One end of the connector works fine, when I pull on it, it moves out
of the way, and creates a bend that allows me to see the rack number.

But when I try to do the same thing at the other end of the connector,
nothing happens. I pull on the connector and then release, just like before,
but nothing happens, or it bends in a different way.

Attached is a a picture. Has anyone out there seen this kind of problem before?

Any input or guidance gratefully appreciated.

Thanks for reading


I could be wrong, but I believe the ends of the connector are treated is sort of like a "master/source" other is sort of like a "slave/destination"   I found this out by connecting 2 connectors together.   If you move the "master" connector, then the other connector follows...but if you move the "slave" connection is broken.   I.e. I dont think there is any sort of bimodal mode here.

I realize its not the same thing you are working....but it got me in the habit of moving the right connector when adjusting a multiple connector chain.

This also holds true of 3 shapes connected at different points (say 3 rectangles - 2 short / 1 tall)....all three dont move in any scenario I tried and 2 move in some scenarios....1 in the rest.


You are right, the ends appear to behave differently.

I did what you did and connected two connectors together, now
I have the bend in the connector at each end that I wanted :)
Thanks for taking the time to post a reply, vojo.

But now I have another problem. I intend to use screentips
to hold information about the patch panel, switch etc. that the
connector refers to.

I can do a screentip for one connector, but this information is not
displayed in the second connector :(

You can see the point where the two "slave" ends connect up, indicated
by the :( in the centre of the attached screenshot.

I tried to group the connectors together,  to get them to "share" the screentip,
but this did not work. Anyone have this problem before?



group the 2 connectors
   - edit within the group to move connectors around
   - screen tip at group level...will allow you to have 1 screen tip that can discuss source and destination of the total connection.

Since you are looking at this....another option is to use the docmd(1312) in the event double click cell
   - Set up properties for various things like serial numbers or IP addresses.....if you work out it, can actually make a "drill down" like behavior
   - Set at the group level
   - double click the group starts you off.


Quote from: vojo on July 10, 2013, 01:34:20 PM
group the 2 connectors
   - edit within the group to move connectors around
   - screen tip at group level...will allow you to have 1 screen tip that can discuss source and destination of the total connection.

How do I set screen tip at group level?

Quote from: vojo on July 10, 2013, 01:34:20 PM
Since you are looking at this....another option is to use the docmd(1312) in the event double click cell
   - Set up properties for various things like serial numbers or IP addresses.....if you work out it, can actually make a "drill down" like behavior
   - Set at the group level
   - double click the group starts you off.

This sounds very cool, how do I set the event double click cell?


RE screen tip.....look at actions cells in shapesheet....If I recall, 4th cell in the row indicates whether screen tip or right click display

RE eventdblclk....its a cell in shapesheet.   docmd() has a bunch of actions by code that you can visio docmd

All this depends on getting into the shapesheet and program cells....if you are not interested in doing that, I am not sure how you
would accomplish the tasks you want.

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