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Visio 2013 Drawing Control not working.

Started by visio_sim, January 08, 2013, 08:58:23 PM

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I have a VB6 application that uses Visio's drawing control to show some diagrams..
It's not working out of the box with Visio 2013. I get a Run-time error 372. "Failed to load control 'DrawingControl' from VISOCX.DLL, your version of VISOCX.DLL may me outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with the application"

This is strange since we do not distribute the DLL, it is installed with any normal Visio installation in the user's computer.

Does anyone know where to start?



Apparently there were some changes with the dll version and the vb6 application was not able to sort them out.

To fix it or workaround it  removed the drawingcontrol from the  form and now I add it at runtime on form load.

This is the call to add the control
   Call Controls.Add("VisOcx.DrawingControl.1", "VisioPFD5", Me)

That solved most of my problems. However, I'm still battling saving the visio file as ".vsd" , hope to have news soon


I faced some issues when saving the visio files using the visio 2013 drawing control.

1) : Visio 2010 or older can't read .vsdx files. There is nothing I can't do about it. I expect Microsoft to release a patch to fix did, just like what was done for other office products.

2) Visio 2013 drawing control errors when saving as .vsd file. However, the file is actually saved. The problem is that the drawing control goes to a state where it fails to recall other files from that point onwards.  To work around this issue, every time I save a file , I remove  the drawing control in run time and create a new one using the same method described above (Controls.Add("VisOcx.DrawingControl.1", "VisioPFD5", Me). I also expect this problem to be fixed by Microsoft .


We've also faced a number of problems with the drawing control.
(1) Rendering quality of images is unaccaptable:

(2) Visio drawing control is anuable to open / save visio drawing with CAD-files:

I've reported both issues through MS support on 22nd of March 2013 - still they are not able to provde a fix until today. The second problem is absolutely critical, since it also damages visio files that contain CAD files. Once you opend such a file (created with Visio standalone application) and save it with the drawing control, the embedded information that describes the CAD file(s) will be damaged.

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