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Woodworking Hardware

Started by Stefan, June 23, 2013, 07:55:52 AM

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I have been experimenting drawing woodworking hardware, see attachment, which is a pdf

P&ID shapes, vehicles, etc


Nice.  The fill technique on the screw threads is very effective.
Visio 2019 Pro


Thank you for the comments, I have added another drawing of a clamp which also features the screw threads as it is a pdf it does not show the drawing details.

See all my shapes at


I realize this is a visio forum, so forgive me

If you want to do something like this, you may want to consider Sketchup

I wont kid you, the UI is incredibly obtuse (in part, because the program tries to determine what you really want to do) and it takes alot of tweaking and modifying to get a shape they way you want it.  That said, it does offer you ability to rotate (isometric view of drill bit???) and can build on even more complex tools (there is actually a woodworking site and thread if interested).  You can also export as a .png file with transparent background.  Bottom line, need to invest in alot of "batting practice" before hitting a "home run".

So returning to Visio here (yes, I like visio precision and control much better than sketchup), you could make shapes in sketchup, export to .png, import them to visio, and continue to enhance (add connection points....something sketchup does support ;-)   ).

FYI...the only reason I even got started with Sketchup was that my company is weening us off MS no windows 7/ visio no no.   Faced with a vacuum for this kind of thing (one either buys another windows based tool for $250 or one kids himself into using
libre office / open office / gliffy / dia which are quite a disappointment)

Good luck

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