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Visio 13 Support

Started by romanee, May 08, 2013, 07:29:14 PM

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I reach a dead end on every attempt to get support. Looks like it has not yet been set up for responding like for the other Office products.

Paul Herber

Have you tried the Technet forum at
or Community (was Answers) at

P.S. A pedant (me) would add Visio 13 does not exist.
Visio 11 was Visio 2003, Visio 12 was Visio 2007, Visio 14 was Visio 2010. And Visio 2010 was where it all went wrong so they may as well have called it Visio 13 after all!
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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