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Adding user cell to pagesheet on drop?

Started by MacGyver, April 30, 2013, 06:19:05 PM

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I have a shape I got from some stencil somewhere that when dropped onto a page, it automatically adds a user defined cell to the page sheet, "User.ShowU".  How does it do that? 

The shape also has an action row that either allows you to "Show U Sizes" or "Hide U Sizes" which hides or displays the text for all of these like shapes on the page.

I understand the actions and how that is done but no clue on how to add user defined cells to the page sheet without using the Eventdrop cell. Would love some insight on how this is done.


in Document Stencil double click by master named "Rack". And look at page's shapesheet - there you can see cell User.ShowU
When you drop master "Rack" to new page, it add cell User.ShowU to that Page's ShapeSheet


Wow, can't tell you how much time I've wasted trying to figure this out and such a simple answer.  Much appreciated!!


another cell that probably has more to do about what happens when the shape is dropped is the "user.solsh" cell which identifies which add-in the shape applies to. Short answer when the shape is dropped it is recognized as having code associated with it, and the custom code is being called.


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