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code speed

Started by markshultz, August 14, 2012, 02:43:36 AM

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Before launching into a coding endeavour, can someome comment on visio's rendering speed of the following 2 approaches, both of which should render a single square.
option A) a simple shape (e.g. square - single geometry) vs.
option B) a more complex shape (e.g. shape with 10+ geometries, 9 of which are NoShow and 1 of which is a square). 

i have an organization with ~1000 shapes to be drawn.  option B would be most convenient for various reasons but if it is going to bog down i would like to know about it sooner rather than later.

Paul Herber

Put the shape on a page, duplicate, select all, duplicate, repeat 9 more times, that will give you your 1000 shapes.
I also created this articles some time ago:
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -


that is helpful.  I think your test is analagous to rendering A) one or more 'simple shapes'. 
do you happen to know if rendering B would be more time consuming (given it has many more geometry sections) or roughly similar (given that most geometry sections are NoShow and hence not needing to be rendered)?

Paul Herber

Try it, just add some geometry sections to a shape and then duplicate the shape.
Electronic and Electrical engineering, business and software stencils for Visio -

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