Need Help in generating a Network Diagram using data from Excel sheet

Started by vishalr, January 20, 2013, 01:44:46 PM

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Hi Everybody

I need a kind support from anybody. I need to generate a Network diagram automatically by linking somehow the data in the Excel sheet. If any body can help me in this regard.



In Visio 2007 you would start with the "Basic Flowchart" template.
Under menu item "Data" you'll find "Insert Data Solutions" and from there "Organisation chart".
Chise "Information that I enter using the wizard". That will set up an excel file with the right structure.
Now copy your data in that excel sheet. Save and close. Your chart should appear in the visio drawing.


Hi Thanks for your useful feedback, but this is for organisational chart, what i am looking for is an Network Diagram showing Cell A (Data) linked with Cell C (Data) with a solid line (represented by Cell B.

See the attachment ( i want the Network Diagram as attached)


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